
So brave.

Time to put "Anchorless" on repeat. Man, this sucks.

Rip It Up And Start Again is a great book that I cannot recommend highly enough. Same goes for Please Kill Me and Our Band Could Be Your Life.

This, but the opposite.

That's my ranking as well. 3 really got killed by the constant shuffling and shortening of the season because when it hits it hits hard, but it gets a bit too…wacky?

Season 4 was very good and I stand by that statement, so I'm very excited for season 5.

I'll take all of those over pun threads, which are arguably worse than Hitler.


The song titles are so, so bad.

Probably because comparatively the stuff on 31G like the Locust, Crimson Curse, Swing Kids, etc. etc. sounds like it came from a different planet. STill, it's a great label and I'm happy that Justin Pearson is making music again (with the excellent Retox).

At this point it's more newsworthy if a Republican says that they're not running for President.

The Riddler is using bugs now? This really is next-gen gaming!!

It's cool that we're finally doing something about the Confederate flag, but it's a bit depressing to know that the action that caused all the attention is really not being talked about much anymore. Sure, the guy got arrested, but a state senator was assassinated by a white supremacist and we're talking mostly about

Enjoy your conspiracy mongering, I guess.

"So when discussions of race, gun control, and mental health that inevitably come up after another one of these shootings happens, maybe there also needs to be a discussion of the adverse effects of mind-altering prescription meds in teens and young adults."

Then surely you can see why blaming prescription drugs even a tiny bit is a totally bonkers explanation.

Do you frequent the website info wars dot com, perchance?

"Bustin' (Makes Me Feel Good)" is a fine song by the band Iron Chic!

Best hackers in baseball!