how did the kids’ passports get switched? whaaaa?
Wow, ain’t you a piece of work. Maybe just go back to reddit?
lol fuck off. I see you.
lol, ok, so I think prison rape is abhorrent so you leap to the conclusion that I’m against any punishment for him? Nonsense.
Oh, fuck you. You think I’m a troll because wishing anal rape on somebody is triggering to someone who has been anally raped? Dude. Fuck off.
I don’t think a site where many rape survivors come to comment is the place to wish rape on anyone. Your comment was triggering as fuck.
fuck dude, can i read comments on this site without people wishing rape on others. jesus.
i think it’s the Black guy
am i lucky to have no idea what this song is?
I love it.
I don’t watch but now I might!
.....Are you fucking kidding me? Read the damn post.
LOL if you think I was being serious there.
...that’s what she said?
i ve got some news for you
No, she’s a woman who was imprisoned for a miscarriage of pregnancy.
How are YOU missing this? I didn’t say they were responsible, you dip. I said I understand why the victims thought they had a case. JFC you are in your own fucking head with no exit in sight.