Beckaroo Banzai

I absolutely read your whole comment. Even if you say “no judgment,” stating that you may know what’s best for her body invalidates that. Please understand that we women are constantly told what to do with our bodies by men who “know better.” We are told by politicians that we shouldn’t have access to abortion & birth

Yikes. I still respect her personal choice, but she definitely has some problematic ideas.

NOPE. I’m not saying #notallreligiouspeople. I’m saying she has the right to make a choice about her own body, just like you do. Just like you don’t enjoy having your personal choices judged, neither does she. If she doesn’t want to have sex, she doesn’t have to. And given that her character on Insecure is sexually

Does she actually advocate for purity for women? I thought this was just a choice she made for herself alone.

I understand the toxic nature of religious rhetoric surrounding “purity.” However, people’s negative experiences do not make it okay for them to criticize what a woman chooses to do (or not do) with her own body. I use the term insecure because I think it is a form of insecurity to assume that a woman is judging you

She must be one of those “rap guy’s” girlfriends!

Responding to someone in the greys:

Yay Noel Fielding!

Many years ago, before I was married, I was also celibate by choice for religious reasons. And a lot of people were really shitty about it. I found that there were usually 2 types of people who judged my decision:

The worst thing about it is that even though it’s bad, it’s catchy as hell. Now it’s gonna be stuck in my head all week. :(

Now playing

Anarcho-syndicalists... I’ve heard of them somewhere...

I think Chad is just the default name for “basic white guy,” so I guess that’s why those wackadoodles use it too.

Ugh. Van Wilder.

Oh no! I hadn’t noticed til you mentioned it! We love you, PMT! Hope you are well!

That works, too :)

Is that Desus?!?