
I lived through the jelly shoe nightmare of the 80s and they did a NUMBER on my frickin’ feet so these can piss right off and I’ll stick with sneakers and, because it is roughly the temperature of the sun where I live, a hefty sprinkling of Gold Bond powder inside so nobody has to deal with my unfortunate funk.

I did see police officers going out of their way to protect Jason Kessler, a man responsible for last year’s terrorist attack in Charlottesville. I did see a city Metro System give white nationalists a PRIVATE metro car just so they could get to the city safely. I did see a city bend over backwards and spend

It’s all nice and kumbaya that he believes empathy is key in making the shift among white nationalist/neo-nazis and garden variety racists. But here’s the question I have for them, where do they become adults and responsible for their own behavior and subsequent change?

Yeah, it’s not our job. White folks need to work this out.

Oh there were off duty cops marching with the “fine” people that day. 

Yep. The study that found law enforcement didn’t do anything? Well no shit?!?  I saw the pictures and videos and wasn’t surprised that the cops were looking the other way concerning the Nazis.  That’s why I don’t really trust the cops now.

I like how they include the helicopter crash in with the murder victim like a vehicle malfunction is in anyway similar to being run over by a white supremacist. Tragic, yes, but an accident and not murder.

... to stand by and watch neo nazis beat counter protesters and then arrest the beaten counter protesters, again.

Dismantling capitalism by running batshit crazy unelectable lunatics isn’t a sound plan. 

They are the Libertarians of liberals. Put up a real candidate, pretend to be a real party and not just a social cause fronting a nutter (stein)/racist(Ron Paul), and I’ll consider

I just want to thank you for your posts. If White people really wanted to help us, they would do the damn work to dismantle White supremacy everywhere. Seeing as it’s still just as strong as it was 400 years ago and it just merely changed form...I got nothing for them.

The Greens are the people who’ll come to a party without bringing anything despite it clearly being BYOB and will instead mooch of everyone else before declaring you couldn’t have had such a great night without them.

I don’t have any problem with what he said about Heather Heyer or anyone who has died for civil rights or actually has skin in the game.

Black people have no issues with white allies. Shit, some of us can’t get through the day without the white validations of folks like Tim Wise or Dave Ziren. If a white person can get through singing Waterfalls at karaoke, they down for life. The Cookout Invite was invented with white people in mind!

I can understand her truly believing he’s a good person deep down. It’s not exactly hard to pretend to be a kind person to an exceedingly attractive woman you’re trying to woo. Men do it all the time. They know who they need to be nice to, and who they can treat as if they’re subhuman.

That word “necessarily” speaks volumes. I think ABC publicists were on both of them to say something, but have no doubt that she either a) agrees with him, or b) considers herself “not political” (translation: too self-absorbed to worry about all that stuff that might hurt her pretty little brain and bring up hard

Even in the midst of our pain and anguish we have to consider how our actions are affecting other people who are only tangentially involved in a terrible, terrible situation.

The Bachelor and Bachelorette are panem et circenses that simultaneously reify dangerously reactionary ideals about courtship, love, and family while also distracting from the West’s growing fascism. Of course he’s a racist (down to his typical defense of his racism) and she doesn’t care. These are bad shows made by

“Just because I liked it doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.”

Teaching people (especially blacks) how to think, is one of my primary missions in life.