
Black Brogressives... Is this your king???

Let me repeat:

Go fuck yourself.

The guns Americans are stockpiling are for hunting black people.

Current Republican (and Liberal Brogressive) policy is based on white racial resentment. Why are people falling all over themselves to make excuses for Republicans not bothering to mount a challenge against a registered Nazi? There is no challenge because there is no policy difference.

Likewise. I definitely detect some Dolezal style fraudulence coming from you.

So, Cool Girls?

He’s so celebrated, and yet, almost everything he thought he knew about architecture was dead wrong.

I never understand those who think racism will be solved when old people die. Like they don’t raise children with racist views.

In my experience, Phoenix is not liberal. That one tiny historic district does not represent the large city as a whole. And even that district is full of white liberalism. I haven’t forgotten the casual use of the word nigger when black women interrupted Bernie at Netroots.

There’s no shortage of racists in Tempe, or Greater Phoenix. Let’s not play coy here. While most may not go into a Mosque and spout their ignorance, plenty share the sentiment.

Money. It eases the hypocrisy.

Melissa Joan Hart went right wing apologist after taking in her coins, so she, like Candace Cameron Whatserface gets no support from me.

Whenever we bake our own pie, they kill us and take it for themselves.

The people who donated that money didn’t care about black people. Roof’s murder victims hadn’t even been buried yet, and they were focused on saving a racist sibbling’s wedding.

You joke, but before you got to the part about replacing kids with guns, I watched an anti public education asshole of Facebook make the claim that school shootings happen because kids are forced to go to school.

Eating fish is just like actively covering for a serial rapist up until late last year.

People are out here acting like these two weren’t protecting Casey Affleck just last awards season, and like Matt Damon wasn’t out here like 1 minutes ago talking about MeToo witch hunts and asking why we don’t talk more about the non-rapists in the industry.

Take your bullshit back to Stormfront.

Shhhh! We’re not supposed to talk about Damon’s bullshit. He’s on our side! If we don’t fellate allies for doing the minimum, they’ll out themselves as frauds!