
Copy-pasting "Ryan Davis of Giant Bomb" into Google would've been too quick and simple I guess. Had to get someone to do it for you.

I see a lot of people implying that American's Sniper's depiction of PTSD is going over conservatives' heads or challenging them in some way, but the idea of noble sacrifice isn't at all at odds with the right wing's narrative of the moral necessity of American interventionism. Few people are actually pro-war in the

Another interpretation: he was just some guy doing a job for a paycheck and you're a smug, self-absorbed twat projecting your own ugly bullshit onto other people. Oh, entertaining people who aren't me, how fucking shameful.

I don't know, the movie I saw seemed to take itself pretty damn seriously. And not in a "unapologetic storybook whimsy" way, but a "wife and daughter burying flashback" sort of way.

My first thought was the Storms of Zehir expansion for Neverwinter Nights 2. Not terrible or anything, but a big letdown from Mask of the Betrayer. It had some great tavern music though.

Rapists rape for more than one reason. The "rape isn't about sex" thing can be problematic because it makes it easier for the man who opportunistically rapes a woman when she's drunk to not see himself as a rapist.

No Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on either list is surprising. That and Dark Souls 2 were the only games that really grabbed me this year, which is disappointing because I knew I would like those already. I felt like I should've loved Divinity Original Sin, but I could never quite get into the turn-based combat.

There's so much to disagree with I'm not sure which part of Nick Schafer's comments about The Babadook to focus on. The idea that horror has to be scary, that the Babadook's realness or lack thereof wasn't open to interpretation, or the implication that purely psychological horror can't still be tense without a

Sounds like you actually believe that right-wingers are mustache-twirling bogeymen incapable of contradictions or emotional depth. That'd be simpler I guess.

The difference is Webb was doing a show specifically about videogames. Attack of the Show was about pop culture in general.

I can't fathom how "Company Man" could be considered go nowhere writing. That criticism mostly applies to later seasons.

Yeah, the Sierra backstory episode - "Belonging" - is absolutely phenomenal. On its own I'd put that episode alongside the best episodes of the best shows.

At this point stuff like this is the opposite of weird. It's shitty, greasy comfort food for us. Oh look, that wacky foreign culture being all wacky again. Fuck engaging with art created in that region that might challenge me in some way, I just want to say "WTF" and roll my eyes.

Yes, because Westerners have never been guilty of perceiving East Asia as a cultural monolith.

To me Shadow of Mordor was everything I dislike about the AC series (minimally interactive combat, bland story) but without the historical resonance and pretty architecture.

Maybe, but between the two I'm more glad The Dark Crystal exists. It's unique. No other movie I've seen has immersed me in such a thoroughly alien universe.

Disney has proven that very, very well over its long history, and Frozen is the closest they've ever come, after nearly a century, to being progressive in that area.

Call him an uneven director all you want but a middling director would absolutely not make The Devil's Backbone or Pan's Labyrinth, never in a million years.

I understand the first three but how you could ever get sick of Sun.

Core gamers are just people who regularly play games on non-handheld devices. It doesn't mean anything more than that. Nintendo's press conference was also targeted at core gamers.