
And they are freaking awesome ! So glad they didnt just disappear after that sudden shutdown.Love those guys, they have created so much great things over the years.

“ The Battlefield series has released titles with wider gaps in recent years.”

Steam should make a separate client for all the Greenlight garbage.Tired of having to sift through the waste.

“ Roma Kupriyanov is a freelance artist from Russian.”


Battlefield 1 all day everyday.So pretty much the same since launch day,can’t seem to get enough of that game.


I love you man !You’re the best *burp*

cant wait for 10gb day one patch....which will prevent me from playing the game for another week thanks to crappy interneI miss the days of plug and play

Watching this made me realize how much I hate forced tutorials in games.


Nothing gets me more pumped for a game then showing me something that isnt close to in game.


Welcome to my life as a midget.

If only all medics took their jobs this seriously...

I dont think you know how anatomy works....

I.... dont feel any offense by the original tweets at all?

A corpse should be left well alone...

Holy fuck what a beautiful woman 0_0