
“ lesbeans”


I can’t tell one monkey from another

Are these photos taken in 2005?

Reading this gives me butterflies.I think I should go and pick up a GC if I can even find one at this point.

This generation of people growing up SMH.

Haha Trump jokes , that’s new and original.

oh my God I’m so offended!

Watch them overspend and go bankrupt.

Will they finally add the feature called “ dont show me fucking games that I already own on the store “ ?

Can’t wait for the inevitable fuck up.

Oh ok that’s a shame :(

As a person who hasn’t played Destiny yet, is it too late ?

Guess I just lucked out.

You got me , I took the bait.You call me juvenile when I say “ just be quiet “ but what am I to call you when you said something like this “You must not love your kids very much. I guess I shouldn’t judge you for that, we’re all different. “ What is that then? Lol it’s okay for you to say false things but when I tell

Does it have a funky soundtrack and will I love it

Import it.Or make a japanese psn account.I mean if you speak Japanese that is :P

I feel like I have to re read the whole thing again to remember what the hell is going on.

Pissing off everyone at this point. :P