That’s it ? Over already ? Hmm guess I still have Mob Psycho to watch!
That’s it ? Over already ? Hmm guess I still have Mob Psycho to watch!
Oh no I’m gonna have to start collecting stamps agian.
Damn you are really sticking up for them.It’s like the 5th reply defending them I see you make now.They holding your wife and kids hostage or something?
How is it free if you have to own the games to get the remasters? You paid for them at some point = not free.
Lol a lazy cash grabbing remaster? Who could have predicted such a thing.
Damn that looks pretty n.e.e.t
Challenge accepted.PS fuck you
What could possibly go wrong?
Hope it flops and they go bankrupt.That’ll teach em !
The Last Guardian PR rep spotted !
Thankfully it’s not Liefeldfilled something something
This is a must see for me now.
Nah all the males in the world take turns.
I hope it’s good too but I doubt it will be.For the sake of all those who have worked on it I hope it dont flop.Alot of money was spent on this.
I don’t think it’s age. It’s just not very reminiscent of anything that is Final Fantasy.I bet if they made a more traditional FF you’d be excited.
The new update somehow made pretty much everything load slower then before for me.
Have a nice day everyone
They only had 10 years to figure it out ! Give them a break :P