Is it common to give a flying fuck what the news anchors are wearing? Are you there for the news or the people reporting on them?
Is it common to give a flying fuck what the news anchors are wearing? Are you there for the news or the people reporting on them?
What a society we live in.
Ark Surivial Evolved , Atttack on Titan , Miscreated, Squad and Borderlands 2 are currently top 5 games on Steam right now.Runs fine on my pc from 2013.And by fine I mean better then on console by a long stretch.Someone who has an older pc feel free to chime in.
He’s probably a console pleb.
Playing BF1 on my pc from 2013 and getting 60fps. Try again
No worries ! I got you covered
“ I can almost never tell the difference (outside of text) between SD and HD TVs.”
We already have the divide between PC and console gaming with pc getting downgraded cause it has to run on console too.Now we get another divide among the ps4 crowd and another when the scorpio comes out.The quality will suffer once again.
try luring then backstab
Actually it’s children.
Just upgraded to PCIe ssd hnnnnnnnnh.The load times are godly
But letting girls get gang raped and letting the perps getting away scot free is a okay in good old India.
Wonderful religion strikes again.
If I lived in Sahara he could sell me buckets of sand.
Not sure I can handle more depressing stuff haha
I’d love that...cause Type 0 was awesome...
A new Parasite Eve? sign me the eff up
and they always want to fuck you .Have they not seen how I look ?!?