Buuuuuuuuuuuurn myyyyyy dreeeead
Buuuuuuuuuuuurn myyyyyy dreeeead
Welp, there goes more of my money.
And what a glorious thing it turned out to be.
Here’s some tissue, I think Kotaku needs them to wipe the pewdiepie cum from their cheeks.
Oh man that looks delicious.
That game was really awesome.
Who asked for this ?Let me know so I can find you and kill you.
Beuatiful Japan again.
Cool.Loved the first one.
Just work on a Black remaster then start working on Black 2 and make it awesome.
30 million sold already? Damn
Let me take a walk with you . We’ll hit up the diner later , my treat.
I need this because of reasons.
Actually looks good.
John is fucked.
You take that back you son of a bitch !
This and Grave of the Fireflies I will never play /rewatch either.
Amazing game, amazing va , amazing music and setting.
Licht Regen!!!