
Respect is earned , not given.

Ugh mysogonist.


No, not really.

Thinking > actually doing

Such hubris.

I see them.

I know you can hide games in your library but hiding games labeled “ in library “ on the store I dont know about.

I’d pay a fair bit extra for that.


“ conscience “

I thought it was.

All I want to know is who the blonde in the sexy dress is.

That’s why there is wishlists....

Amazing how they haven’t made it so that you dont see the games you already own on the store.Just baffles the mind that something so simple has not been implemented.I share your woes.

It’s not really free if the season pass is 50 dollars is it?

Do you do anything to help the world?

No one will find anything racist about this unless they are completely retarded.

Love the first one and loved Frontlines and this looks pretty decent as well.