Hey, thanks! We’re doing pretty well!
Hey, thanks! We’re doing pretty well!
I just moved half way across the country with just my dogs to start a new job. My best friend just sent me a package that consisted of a wine glass and a 4-pack of Lila French Rosé that comes in a can. Surprisingly good! And such a good friend!
OMG too much cuteness! Nothing’s more fun than 2 kittens!
20 years on each one would be great (if admittedly excessive). But each new product only get a few safety studies before being rushed to market. USDA gives a cursory review at best.
When I was a kid our horse had a foal. It did not eat the damn placenta and I ended up having to dig a hole and bury it after my dad put it in a bucket and forgot about it for a few days. In the summer. Bucket of rotten placenta. I’ll pass.
We’re there. Carl would be so proud.
I’m with you on the GMOs, but not because I think they’re bad for me, but because they aren’t properly tested before being unleashed into the ecosystem. Just ask the non-GMO soybean farmers in Arkansas how great GMOs are for everyone.
I don’t know if this is true of other animals, but dogs’ stomachs are much more acidic than ours, which is why they can eat raw food diets, cat poop, and placentas without falling ill.
Common sense tells me not to engage in autocannibalism.
Came here to say exactly this. You beat me to it, and were far more eloquent.
I think there are some kind of chemicals that your body secretes that make you stay in bed. I find that a nice big shot of Nyquil makes me feel sleepy and cozy. Take care!
Awesome explanation! Thank you!
Agree! Apple cider should not taste like soda pop.
American wine makers ruined the reputation of rosé by making it sweet (think white zinfandel). The dry French rosés are simply amazing. I can’t get enough of them in the summer.
Yes to the French! My French colleagues taught me to drink Rose with grapefruit juice. They mix it and put it in bottles and take it to the beach. Jesus, I love the French.
If said wine is at room temperature and I want to drink it cold, I will definitely use ice.
I am convinced that I will turn into The Walking Dead’s Carol in the zombie apocalypse. There will be no one to color my hair so it will turn gray and I will chop it off to be practical and I will become a badass with guns and knives and be mean to children.
I freakin’ love NH. And not just for the liquor stores, although they help a lot.
I don’t mind fixing things, but it’s the discovering that things are broken that always pisses me off. Like the heating system. Or the hot water heater. That being said, I am closing on a new-to-me house (ca. 1950) next month. Can’t wait to see what surprises it has in store!!
I’m honored!