Beatle Bob

And Tyrion's brother is the Commish of Baseball who will overule Tywin's call!

The death match was a draw. In baseball analogy, a tie goes to the runner.Tyrion is the runner,thus a stay of execution for Little T!

The death match was a draw. In baseball analogy, a tie goes to the runner.Tyrion is the runnerthus a stay of execution for Little T!

In a battle of powers I'll take Bran todefeat Daenerys and the Woman in the red dress anyday.

Going back to episode one, Malvo saw Gus' patrol car in a parking lot long before he turned and start speeding up, so it's it looks that he was purposely wanting to be stopped by Gus, and how did he know Gus he had a daughter? Also from that first episode how did Malvo get out the Lester's basement after the shooting?

How did Lorne escape from Lester's basment last week? And of all of the guns illlegally trasported by Hess, did one of them wind up in the brother of Lester's basement?

If the the Terminus inhabitants are cannibals, why didn't they just shoot Rick and and the other and just eat them. Also, if Rick escapes outside the the barbed-wire fence, he still has that bag of weapons buried to help to help him and the others.

I'll bet Beth was kidnapped by someone from Terminus.