
It might be wise to keep their heads down when it comes to batteries, at least for awhile longer. I suspect car owners would be more hesitant over exploding batteries than phone buyers.

Working at a dealer, I’m always amazed at people who get in deep with a car loan and then figure that the way out is to... Get another car loan! Starting over again and again. Sure, car dealers can be a bit sleezy, but we’re assuming too that you know what you want and we’re trying to get you to where you want to be.

A plane is fun. Treat it like a toy that you either can afford, or can’t. When you consider the “real” time savings, rarely does a cheap plane make any sense. In a cheap plane, you’re cruising somewhere between 80 and 140mph. So to travel at the same speed, or hopefully twice as fast, as the car you wake up, check the

I don’t think that’s very realistic. I can’t for the life of me figure out how the VAG would be able to cheat with electric vehicles... unless they run an extension cord or something.

My car has a special coating over the body panels that appears darker when in reduced lighting situations. So it’s basically a nighttime stealth mode. Turn off your lights on a dark night and you’re basically invisible.

I like how the Citroen logo appears to be a jackstand inexplicably holding the car up in the middle.

Many years back, when I bought my beater two seater, it came with Summer Sport tires. Before I could change them out, we got about an inch of snow. I went out, started the (still new to me) car, it fired up, the high idle held at around 1500rpm, I put it in first, let out the clutch, and the engine continued idling at

People need to be more creative. There are so many better ways to do this. Why not have a mandatory hashtag for all Twitter posts? Or require all news outlets to tag a race sponsor in each tweet? Oh? You’re tweeting every 10 seconds? Then you’re tweeting the car’s or tracks big sponsor to your audience each time.

Cars and coffee is cool and all, but Cars and Meth takes it to a whole other level!

I dunno about all that. Yelp! has its good side. A restaurant near me got consistently bad reviews due to screwing up orders. But it was late and I was hungry, so I went anyway. And guess what... my order of mashed potatoes was 100% gravy. No mashed potatoes ever. And it was through a drive thru, so I didn’t discover

You know, it all depends on the malady that inflicts you. I’m pushing 40 and drive a low-to-the-ground 2-seater. I have people in their early 20s complaining that its hard to get in and out of. But I just do this right-foot-on-the-floor push-off to squeeze out and it’s a non-event. I also have to explain to them to

Even better to shine them at cat-operated aircraft. Cats go crazy over those f-in things!

And make it so neighbor- competitors don’t need to buy tires more than twice a year and you can run a racing program for cheap as dirt (with dirt karts and quarter midgets for the kids). And be strategically located near serious tracks for those with the inclination.

But consider the savings in construction of the facility, the savings in tires... if you build a racetrack they will come. If you build an asphalt oval, people will start investing in expensive parts. Keep it cheap and simple.

The problem is, the NHSTSA doesn’t yet know enough to say what a safe system is. Nobody does. Not Mercedes, not Tesla. They are all figuring it out. I think that’s pretty clear. What the gov is trying to do is to keep up to date and understand the latest tech.

If you’ve ever used a urinal in the US though, that’s easy to remember because it’s often printed right there on the top. A flush is 3.8L... one gallon (rounded up)

So divide by two, add 20%. Got it!

“I’ve had it with these motherf***in’ rapes, on this motherf***in’ plane!

Just make it a dirt oval. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, it can even be flat. Just make it a place for good neighbors to get out to on a Friday night with a barbecue, some blankets, and a cooler.