
They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E. 

When Tesla stops crapping out $hitboxes maybe Jalopnik coverage will be more favorable.

Another Tesla hit piece from Jalopnik. You wouldn’t even be writing about a car being locked to a Supercharger if it weren’t a Tesla! I haven’t seen a single post on Jalopnik about other cars locked to Tesla Superchargers.

One of the sad facts about the American Legal system is that if you spend enough money on defense, you can get away with anything. The biggest thing is getting the jury pool “right”.

Literally the kindest thing that can be said about Rod Ponton, the Prosecutor, is that he is technologically inept. Otherwise we’d have to focus of being a vindictive, domestically abusive thug that uses the cops to settle his personal score.

But not many people hit the hilarious trifecta of misusing Autopilot, driving on a suspended license and crashing into a cop. It could have only been more stupid if they crashed into a jail. lol

RV Driver: “Wow, this thing is really struggling.”

I read the title and thought, “Ah, Florida man at it again.” But then I read it was in Texas and thought of this.

Counterpoint: I was in Turkey* last month. There were a ton of kabob places.

None of them served rice.

*I’m an essential worker

But if they weren’t trying to blatantly rip off Halal Guys, they could have chosen a different color scheme and a name other than “Halal G   s

Yeah, this shit is utterly ridiculous. How is he not being charged with Vehicular Manslaughter?

Since criminal charges went nowhere, I hope he is slapped with a civil suit that completely ruins him.

Well, here’s the thing: No, 46% of Americans didn’t vote for Trump and the GOP. Adjusted for population and turnout, something like 27% of Americans actually voted for Trump.

blah blah blah are we getting a true Used Car dealership again? Real wheel choices? Bringing back the car wash? 

And the top black? 10 year old me thinks so.”

Maybe I’m just too young to properly remember M3s of old, but it seems like they are going further and further down the rabbit hole of Porsche like customization with the M models.

Preach! Waffle House and Chik Fil A (let’s throw in Home Depot while we’re at it) are all GA based, racist AF organizations whose leaders want nothing more than to return GA to its antebellum past. I will drive 20 miles out of the way and pay twice as much if it means I don’t have to step foot in one of these stores.

If sanity prevails and Trump is removed from office, consecutive sentencing should easily keep Jared in prison for the rest of his life.

That’s a lot of words just to say the guy is a dick. :)

In my experience, when someone has a hard to pronounce name (not Kamala. A first grader can say “Kamala” with no difficulty), they get very happy when you say it right or ask them how to pronounce it so you can say it right. A politician, of all people, would understand that. it’s obviously not really about saying her