
I dare you to stop blaming Trumps failures and lack of support of Obama, and stop expecting Democrats to start supporting a party that did nothing but criticize, antagonize and stymie every effort Democrats made (not to mention the racially motivated attacks against Obama’s nationality).

I thought Mexico was paying for the wall?

I pray to god we can Escape these puns...

Hopefully he Escaped without serious injury, other than to his pride.

He was just trying to Flex his drift mode skills.

If this gets COTD, we will have a Fiesta.

I just hope the tow truck had an Escort down those hills, could’ve been a treacherous Expedition.

It turned out to be quite the Excursion for him.

I’m glad he was able to Escape unscathed.

These puns are on the Edge of being good

He just didn’t have the right Fusion of luck and skill.

Hopefully he can move Ford from this costly mistake.

That dude needed to Focus on his drifting more.

That is a terrible analogy! He got cocky, did something stupid and got his ass knocked down. It was an MMA fight not Beatstreet.

I will, but first I need you to learn the difference between ‘then’ and ‘than.’

If we’re able to nominate comments to be moderated out of the conversation, I vote for tooshyman’s comment. Further, I’d be okay if something heavy fell on Tooshyman.

The positive spin is she got rid of her Saturn.

I thought the black guy who asked how Trump would be a President for everyone got the shaft of the night. Trump responded by talking about violence in inner cities. Not all black people live in the inner city you racist asshole!