
Don’t forget: Fuck prosecutors too. They are usually the ones who choose not to prosecute cops, or to side with cops in prosecuting civilians.

I have these hidden cupholders in my ///M3. They suck.



Knocking on the door is a bit too civilized for what these people deserve.

Why rush to return the car? We’re talking about Captain Slow here.

It might be a little more than lip service.

Kids, in case you’re wondering, black & brown people didn’t exist in 1989.

This will make an interesting hip-hopera.

“Because we are guilty and could be liable for much more.”


New phone who jizz?

So when is someone going to ask her if she will donate all of the proceedings of any book or tv show to charity, like they asked Michael Cohen?

He suffers from goatse tunnel vision.

Being a billionaire in today’s world makes it easy to sleep well.

Republican sheriff, maybe?

As much as I hate that fluorescent fool, my understanding is that he’s not entirely wrong in this specific case.

Subtle racist-slang decoding time:

Should have gotten a Chevy.