
Get these HD remaster in the hopes of 6? That ship has sailed decades ago, bro...

How dumb.... Children's properties all alongside Adult properties and no one has any problem with that... strange 

Please, for the love of GOD, do not make another GTA IV.... I played GTA V YEAAAARS after playing 4, and the tone in 4 is way too serious.

You should check out Final Fantasy 14 and the upcoming 16. NEVER play 15. In Yoshi P. I TRUST

Japan has a single player Healthcare system. They're not the United States 


You know, there ARE video games that have absolutely no microtransaction and you can play them. They're still all very good. 

Lol CHILL.... weirdo

Because these companies don't have unions

There was NOTHING "shocking" about the predictable ending of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. You need to read more, maybe you'll be able to see the foreshadowing from a mile away like I did. 

No one likes Muslims or Christians bro, cope.

They both suck

New “arc” lmao... you weebs are a joke. I’ve threw this series in the trash 10 years ago

No one cares. PIRATE IT if you think this is unethical, but for the love of GOD, STOP BITCHING. 

Get moguri mod

PVE weapons don't need to be nerves, weirdo

It still feels good and I have 50/50 in int and faith


All FF stories go off the rails. ALL

So you enjoyed 13 and 15? Lmao