
She was offered the Ambassadorship to the Bahamas.....


Divinity Original Sins 1 & 2

I am sorry and I know you like Dragon Age Inquisition but this entire article is a damn lie. Dragon Age PEAKED at origins and only got worse from there. Best story? Are you insane? Lol


Not into Sci-fi? Your game choices must suck...

Neera Tanden and CTR have been trying to cut social security since 2010. Again, be quiet if you do not know what you are talking about. Shush it, hound....

Yes, pure theater

You do not know what you are talking about so please be quiet. 

Symone Sanders is an empty suit so who cares. All symbolism, no MATERIAL CHANGE. Keep cheering on symbolic gestures, normies...

This game was puuuuuure trash...

Play another game...................................

Every conservative may not be a white supremacist, but every white supremacist is conservative and votes Republican LOL

Or maybe they don’t give a fuck about being late... lol

That’s because AOC is logically consistent and the future, Boomer. Also, why do they have to be white? Racism much you piece of trash?

Democrats, neoliberalism, caused the Trumpets, so yeah, we aren’t your buddies... 

So lazy you don’t even read...

Cleopatra wasn’t black she was Greek so....

Just yesterday in San Diego I saw this white dude jaywalk across a busy intersection, and I am sure there were cops around who could have stopped him. Did this while the lights were green and there was traffic, and just nonchalantly walked on by.

Or maybe don't support the shitty business model in the first place. Early access over games as a service. Look what Larian is doing with Baldur's Gate 3. It's a single player game that won't be out for a year, but it's off to a promising start in early access. Buy it or don't, the full thing will be out in a year.