
Nopen, stop with your both sides bullshit.  Republicans/ Conservatives do most of these shootings and conservative stand in the way of doing anything about it.

Sure, Chris is liberal which is why he only talks about the SJWs instead of discussing actual liberal issues. Dude is a grifter... like you.

What a little girl:)

It is wise to only choose a few members 

Well... he's right unfortunately.  I'm not getting the Outerlands for the Switch. EA just needs to make games tailored for the switch becaus either can't compete in terms of power. 

Yes it is. You have to have someone with the vision to create the lore and world of Suikoden.  Suikoden was a very ambitious rpg that had connected history.

Kkonami ain’t doing that LOL. It’s time for you to move on. The Trails of series are sort of like Suikoden 


Gat people are such a small portion of the population that I think they got it just right. Only a few characters ARE gay. So what

Not really. This game isn't meant to be played handheld though...

Is it me or are the Blue Lions the canon house you should choose? 

A TOUCH of Slytherin huh? ;)

Fodlan is a continent, not a nation. And your list is way too long.

You mean "censored"... but the Japanese aren't the only ones to have knee jerk reactions to tragedy. 

This is why I’m not donating my body to science. Fuck y’all....

Duh... as a man I’ve got to say sexualization in REAL mediums of media, meaning not 3D models of video games, has much more of a psychological effect on me and I’m a man. When I see dudes that look better than me with their shirt off in movies, it doesn’t really impact me negatively, but it does encourages me to go

9 O'clock here I come. 


Iit’s never a waste of time to discuss ideas and the future of the country with a diverse host of candidates. The 5 viable candidates aren’t discussing UBI or the need for us to examine the healthcare and food system in this country that promotes autoimmune illnesses like Celiac disease. Without Marianne or Yang in

The Romans understood that so well that they let foreigners fight their expansive wars for them which eventually lead to rebellion and the destruction of their empire. Kind of similar with what is happening with the US as our military is becoming increasingly brown and black, but WHITENESS is still thought as the