Bring on the violence...
Your title is the exact problem with the game.... who the fuck is this made for then?
Don't be fat
Why do they set the dawn of man in Eurppe fighting wooly Mammoths 10,000 years ago? Human history goes back MUCH further than that LOL
This is one of the stupidest cross-overs I have ever seen in a video game. As a Mprtal Kombat character Neegan would have made since, but as a Tekken character..... Come on man...
Ehhh but 4 (I’ll include Final Fantasy 2 in here) out of 11 isn’t a bad track record is it? And the writing in these games was excellent Pre-13. Then everything went to shit. Probably because Hironobu Sakaguchi left after 10. This is my favorite quote from Final Fantasy 9:
I'm sorry, but for a jrpg, this game is utter trash. I'm glad this series is being put on smartphones so it can die. Can we get a real old school rpg with smart character interactions and a good story?
Well at least you limited the article to a few paragraphs this time.
Can we get an adult version?
Then you aren’t much of an atheist are you? I know, “ No true Scotsman fallacy”. What you’re saying has the same DNA as a white person saying they became conservative and support racist conservative policies because of of the SJWs LOL. :The SJWs were so mean to me once, that I became a racists myself”
I will never understand the appeal of chickfila's salty, often soggy, ass chicken, but that's white people taste buds for you. White people love them some nasty fast food.
The person you are arguing with is not arguing in good faith and they probably aren't even going to respond. They're just here to muddy the waters as the corporate Democrats like Nancy Pelosi have. Whoever that is you're talking to is just here to obfuscate and retard discussion on what is really at hand. Foreign…
You better toe the line pussy.
And it’s a local news affiliate probably run by Sinclair, a conservative media group. Oh yeah, did I forget to say that conservative media groups have our local news channels and radio stations by the balls?