Invisible Bully

My dumb ass cousin got fooled by one of the joke articles on here yesterday, the one about MLK, and called The Root “a white owned propaganda machine”...while using the biggest white owned propaganda machine on earth. He got quiet when I showed him that mashup that Deadspin did, sometimes it’s unnerving to know people

Rapists get less time than this

The first actual fist fight I got into and lost was with someone who was killed by police in Alamo, TN just last year. For me most days when I’m at work I’m in my own world listening to King, Nipsey Hussle, The Foreign Exchange, or whatever else I can use to tune out the ignorance of white people around me. I’d like

it wants attention, adorable

I hope he sues the city, the department, and the chief for everything they have. This is the epitome of a witch hunt.

I’m just waiting for Casanova, YG, or some other young nigga to put hands on youngin. I grew up around GDs, Vice Lords, and ignorant wannabes like’s only a matter of time before all that tough talk catches up to him. The funniest part to me was Charlamagne trying to be the voice of reason while trolling him

When will civilians, black civilians, ever be allowed to fear for our lives? And no one, and I mean NO ONE, will ever ask to hear both sides about someone shooting at police...fuck em.

I thought it was about the show

Just one more road for the dog to cross, unfortunately he doesn’t have a prayer


I feel you, the same feeling hit me last week.

I’m just waiting for David Banner to swoop in and one up him in a few days

He stepped up and said plainly what the deal is, I don’t see what the heartburn is. He seems to get it, it’s the rest of this racist ass country doesn’t. Hell I’d be tired of being compared to somebody else to if I know he’s doing the right thing and I’m just looking for a job.

Try again

What’s the difference?

take your star and go lay down

They spend so much time arguing with us and trying to dismiss the racism that they don’t know that their lives don’t matter either. Police in Memphis released dashcam video of an old white lady that was killed by the cops in her own driveway after she called them about being depressed/suicidal. And we’ve seen the

Just what the world artisanal mayonnaise human centipede.