Gotta admit, all this fuss over sex dolls is weird
Gotta admit, all this fuss over sex dolls is weird
I wasn’t shocked at a pastor saying this, I was surprised at the number of women that cosign the rhetoric of respectability politics disguised as faith.
Burn it down child
I completely get why Paul felt the way that he did...but with the way this was handled he was out here sounding like a whole bitch.
Of course he isn’t the first, but he is the most blatantly racist President in my lifetime (37).
Add this to the ever expanding list of things I didn’t need to know
Exactly, quoting votes by demographic aren’t an indictment as a whole...and even if it is then so. Half the eligible American voters didn’t turn out to vote which is just as damn bad as 53% of those that did to vote Trump. Honestly this feels like he’s taking the reverse racism angle on this and I’m not buying it.
It took me a long time to get there even tho some of those same feelings still linger. After being with someone for over a decade and they essentially throw you away, that’s not something you just get over in a matter of days. Mix kids into the equation and it’s even worse. I wanted the worst to happen to this woman…
Probably the kind of guy to go online all day and talk about how men are protectors.
So no one said “fuck Kenard” yet? I’m disappointed.
As a member of the waffle colored negro community, this is peak light bright behavior.
Nothing to see here, just white people racist again
I played high school basketball 20 years ago and saw all sorts of weird locker room antics, none of them measures up to this. But this shitty behavior has been occuring forever.
Today I make what I thought was an innocuous statement online about there being plenty of black people who think just like Nipsey. And almost immediately there were people blingly proving my point. It was amazingly sad and predictable.
This is why I want to move back out west so bad. After not partaking for over a decade I landed a job in Lakeland, WA. Being a southerner and fresh out of the military seeing people buy weed was such a weird sight to see, but I felt like I had found my people. Some months passed and it turned out I wasn’t a good fit…
This is the exact reason I’d like to see bathroom doors that swing out when pushed or no door at all because people are nasty.
THank you for the update and I don’t know why it’s so hard for white people to be better...I take that back I do know why.
LOL! This comment is so white it asked me about “black-on-black” crime.
I was really hoping this was one of those incidents where someone photoshopped it on there but nope, they did it yet again.