I hate this idea and it's just not what this show does.
I hate this idea and it's just not what this show does.
Two weeks ago, I was suffering from the worst flu I've ever had, including a fever that spiked up enough to put me in a 'mildly delusional' state, and anyway I had to stay at home and do nothing and Wild Wild West was on TV.
I'm really looking forward to Mail Robot and Mail Robot's Soviet counterpart showing up in the opening credits.
Girl can even look smokin' hot in her 80s mom clothes. I don't think you even need a qualifier, she's just one of the hottest women.
You know, I wouldn't say I hear a lot of anti-Semitic jokes, but at least half of the ones I do hear/read seem to draw on same stereotype I've never once heard of. Jewish girls… don't perform fellatio?
Tragic, gorgeously southwestern London accented white guy, you mean
Indeed. Don't know if it's an attempt at an 'old-timey' voice or what.