
A woman isn’t going to be presidential of the USA. Grow up.

Just say it. You don’t like him because he’s an old white male Jew.

How is he a shitty person? Be specific.

You should just have stopped here:

They weren’t “well-meaning” either. You are just older now.

Looks like someone got a B in Political Science 101 at the local community college!

He/she didn’t make a point. They spouted BS revisionist talking points and ignored science (as well as history).

They harvest the organs of political prisoners and sell their bodies to art installations. You can fuck right off with your crocodile tears and revisionist history.

Not to mention there is a 0% chance that the cost of the average wedding increased 63% in one year. That this “fact” was included with zero critical analysis is telling. It supports the narrative, therefore no need to think if it even makes sense.

Quit writing about sports. Quit being a scab.

Jezebel is trash. Of course they know this.

He saw active service in Afghanistan. I think he’ll be ok in Canada.

What a weird, overly defensive post. Go take a nap. Or get therapy.


Do you people actually believe the things you write? Or is this a Russian bot situation to write ridiculous things for a react?

They didn’t lose to the U15 boys. They lost to a regional U15 Select team.

Both selfish narcissists. Though, as far as I know, only Jenner killer someone.

“There is no good argument for unequal pay for American soccer players on the basis of gender. Or, rather, if there is one, it supports paying the women more.”

The US women enjoy such a huge advantage over almost every other country in the world that any attempt to paint them as an underdog is unseemly.

It is dangerous to remove ability when comparing people that share a profession. To completely ignore that elephant in the room is disingenuous.