
Do you think Redick shares a form of his Abortion Agreement with his teammates for their personal use?

Could be. Could be a small scale Jussie Smollet situation. We don’t know.

I don’t even know what your comment has to do with this article. 

Nothing in any of the Fast & The Furious movies is as ridiculous as Vin Diesel kissing women on film and trying to appear to enjoy it.

Just more Maori cultural appropriation by the Samoans!

And you are out of the greys. Holy moly.

They haven’t adjusted as their potential market has “shrunk.”

Do you smell toast?

There are more than two QBs in the world.

The actual gambling is mostly old people spending their social security”

I think Eddie George and Steve McNair made it to the Super Bowl and Fisher snuck in their luggage.

What are you on about? They draw more than the Pirates.

It’s happened several times in the comics. This is a comic book movie.


But it’s like saying that a high school football team would compete with the Packers. It’s not being generous, it’s being ridiculous.

That article does not suggest that the women make higher revenues.

Yes they have.

Something about the USWNT makes Deadspin seemingly braindead.

Holy shit. US Soccer is not a public entity. Neither is the USOC.

And Mount Union is a billion trillion kerjillion times better at their jobs than Ohio State.