Buffalo Rimshot

no worries, I’m complaining, just like Jeff

“Mama, There Goes That Man” really needs to die.  I’ve started listening to music during the finals to avoid that (and van gundy’s grumpy rants). 

Kinja is hungarian for brainboxing

if not for brainboxing this website wouldn’t exist

Maybe, Pending a galactic STD test

not going to marlins games?


Kaitlyn is a fucking wizard. You can definitely construct one but its not easy. I think the korg volca modular is good cheap entry into western style modular synthesis.

Not a surprise. Given his attempts to reform rikers he’s always had ny’s scofflaws at heart.

Robert Novak?

“she seems alright”

After reading about your delusions/hallucinations I think I speak for everyone when I say: What is the name of the drug?

The io9/gizmodo marriage only worked why Analee was the editor of gizmodo. Once she left (or was pushed out, who the hell knows) the marriage fell apart and io9 became a shadow of its former glory. And now with avclub in the fold there’s even less need.

Ezra: Well, growing up in the ‘90s, my first true love was ska music. Partially because I grew up and my dad had ‘60s Jamaican records and records by the Specials. Me being a kid in the ‘90s, I listened to a lot of music that was from California — Voodoo Glowskulls and the like. With a little bit of perspective, I

The Wall sounds like steely dan covering kiss

To paraphrase something a friend said: Vampire Weekend is what happens when a third wave ska band gets pretensions

I used to follow his writing during his vice days and the first few years of streetcarnage (before he went off the rails).  I think wound down on the coke but still did a shit ton of adderall (and other pills) as well as drinking

“Like, let Coke be stronger than you.”

“whatever body you want I have!

I remember people camping out for GnR’s use your illusion.  This made more sense pre high speed internet when you couldn’t preview the whole album on pitchfork