Buffalo Rimshot

I just finished episode 22 of Avenger earth's mightiest heroes and was wondering why none of the xmen have been shown in animated form. They've shown F4 and a bunch of other marvel heroes (iron fist, cage, falcon, and a couple others I won't spoil). They've reference the xmen in season one and two but we have to

he would be a better as luke cage instead of black panter

don't you mean utica club

I was crying at Dimaggo's Paul Lynde. Has he that voice in futurama or anywhere else?


I just got back from a screening and while there isn't really a narrative (i have no idea why the girl is important or why the evil carl sagan is evil) the film is a visual feast and it works the best when you treat it like a skinner box and just react to the visual stimuli instead of try to comprehend the

you can stream this season of the avengers them for 1.99 each on amazon instant video the day after it airs on regular tv.

my current job schedule allows for a few hours of downtime and since I don't have enough time to go home and back I get the chance to power nap on the job (in a back room that we are fortunate enough to have a spare couch). Often I just close my eyes and then 15 to 20 mins later I wake up and it feels great.

I voted for hybrid which is basically seinfeld don't break the chain with pomodoro. An example I have boxes for 'read work related articles' in the seinfeld chart and do I don't check it off until I've done about 5 pomodoros of reading.

Hazel in watership down made an impression on me. I thought is was great leader and I like how managed the more stronger rabbits

ha, actually I meant they meant either instead of both at the same time but whatever works for people

when they say they have had annal sex does that mean they penetrated their partner or were they penetrated? I guess they meant both but it would interesting if they had to specify.

and here in the usa we are stuck with santacon

vote: simple comic (for mac)

I actually thought season two started slipping midway through S2 and that Windom Earle was a great villain and brought suspense that was missing for since Audrey's rescue. Annie Blackburn I can not defend.

the band weird war used this for inspiration for one of their videos

his work on centurion makes me optimistic