Looks fun to me, shrug.
Looks fun to me, shrug.
No physical switch. Basically you get to a point in game where the instructions come up onscreen to make the vehicle. I guess technically you could skip thru the instructions and place the disc on the pad and rewrite it then, and leave it in the regular configuration, but where is the fun in that?
The non minifig discs have rewritable bases that you can change when you build the other vehicles.
Level packs give you a mini story level as well as the adventure world. Character packs give you just that characters adventure world.
Agreed. If the other story DLC chapters were like the Batgirl one it wouldn’t feel so cheap. It was longer than an hour despite what the author has written. Had some nice dialogue and a small sense of openness to it. The Harley/Red Hood stuff was quite disappointing.
Memento. Once you see the look on his face when he burns that photograph...though I guess technically you could say it was the beginning.
Exactly! I live in a beach town. Off reading isn’t what I wanted my Jeep for primarily. I wanted something to tow my waverunner while still giving a place for my dogs even if its raining. Easy off doors and being the only 4 door convertible are good bonuses!
Yes. The harness has a quick disconnect. I take mine off all the time.
That’s how I had to play. My wife watches almost no television but she loved watching me play this game
Didn’t Microsoft say going forward all GWG on 360 would be backwards compatible on Xbox One? If so, sweet!
I believe it was previously announced that you wouldn’t need a copy of the game to play this, but that season pass holders would get it for free
The only convertible SUV that should ever be brought up in a conversation
At the price point I paid for it ($20) I had little beef with it. Like he said, it’s technically gorgeous. It’s hard to tell what is a cutscene and what isn’t.
I’m all for more content. They can take as long as they need!
Didn’t they also havehave the South Park game going at at the studio at the same time? No mention of that from them? I loved it personally.
I think everyone is doing this. My favorite is tiny head Oracle. I look like the dude in the waiting room from Beetlejuice.
Sorry but I am still going to “preload” digital games I definitely want. I’m not waiting for 40 gig games to download on release day. You know how convenient it was to just start my ps4 at 12am midnight this past Monday and get right into Arkham Knight?
I have made a meta game for dive bombing to the ground and mashing the “batmobutton” then trying to land right inside the thing without touching the ground.
I pirated a bunch of Dreamcast games back when the whole GD-Rom system got cracked. But I never pirated a game I would’ve bought. It was all random odd games, like the Spawn 3rd person shooter arcade game. I also had a mod chip for my Ps2, but only played a bootleg copy of Thrill Kill with it and the imported copy of…