
They're just jealous Dikachu. You're the hottest nerd in class.

For all the shit tumblr gets — it's just a blogging platform. You decide what you do and don't want to see. You have to actively go and look for stuff that you want.
It also has like a TON of top high quality free porn of any type and stripe that you could ask for. Though, a lot users (fiance included) just has a

[Makes baseless jokes based on extreme parody sock puppet accounts made by gamergaters]

Oh the humanity! Oh the queerbaiting!

It is easy to mock Aesthetic Blogs until you stumble on one that speaks too you… then you're trapped.

Like I mentioned in another comment — the big theory about the diamonds is they are fusions. Rose Quartz being one half of the Pink Diamond fusion.

That is the prevailing theory at the moment. The Bismuth gem inside of Lion's main is theorized to be the other part of Pink Diamond. Or a part of Blue Diamond with Lapis being the other gem in the fusion.

I'm pretty sure the "All Fusions are Voiced by Singers" theory is true. Its been holding up pretty strong.

Quick Bear Dude Update: That thing I talked about last week premiered — and bombed. It bombed really bad. People HATED it. It was honestly kind of surreal being the brunt of an internet hate mob. Thankfully it was as brief as it was intense.

I want to do a "deep search" but… I'm scared.

"I'm really just worried about your health, you disgusting pig."

In my circle we call that "The Solomon"

Beardude Report!

It is just the youtube way, man.

You sound awfully whiny for someone who is complaining about people being offended.

See, when people say it is about "Stuff That Doesn't Matter" it is kind of missing the point.

Outrage Over Everything is something that has always been around since the existence of humans. This isn't a new thing. The Outrage has always been there. If you ever read the "Opinion" column in your local newspaper then you know it's been around for a long time.

The only way it could have been worse was if he shafted the IRS. Then he would have REALLY been in trouble.

I went to a local screening "The Wizard of Oz." I hadn't seen it when I was a kid. I got a lot of thoughts about it. I am piggy backing on this article to discuss a thing about it.

you get an upvote for "tits out, ass-up pneumaticised wank-dolly" because oh my god that is great.