
"No one I'd be attracted to would be interested in a guy pushing 40 and
who isn't either an easily identifiable gay-subtype or in fantastic
gym-bunny shape."

So can I!

If there ever was a comedian I can relate to - it is Patton Oswald.


Kathy Ireland will forever be known for the sheer size of her bones.

Normally. I would have some kind of awful tale of a family doing/saying horrible things or just something super unfortunate.

Well, when Coniunx the monogamy demon comes to claim his yearly sacrificial victims- you'll be safe.

I do my share of Maintenance Sex because my libido is heavily impacted by my stress levels. My boyfriend could go at it in the middle of an apocalypse. Though, he's never pressured me and is very patient. He respects when I say no.

I knew my boyfriend was for sure the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with when I showed him MST3K and he loved it almost instantly.

Got drunk and played SSB Wii U with my boyfriend. WE had a great time!

Final Fantasy IX's sound design was really well done. I think out of all the PS1 era Final Fantasy games Final Fantasy IX had the most "solid" world. It felt like the models existed in the 3D backdrops.

Hey look, that is me! I am glad people found my pedantic comments about graphics interesting.

I think the biggest issue with Skyward Sword visually was honestly the resolution. In HD I think the game would have looked much better. No anti-aliasing and lower texture resolution really made the game looked splotchy.

Non-Photo Realistic rendering (or NPR: the industry term for anything that isn't realistic) is so rarely done because it is INCREDIBLY difficult to pull off. It is hard enough in per-renderend animation where there are a massive amount of tricks and time to get two hours worth of footage to look as good as possible.

The umbrella term for any kind of non-realistic rendering is called "NPR"

It is really nice. I've been doing some experimenting with doing some 3D "pixel art" myself since my workstation is down and I only have a decently powered laptop.

Weird technical fact for wind waker: Link's eyes are not eyeballs.

"E.T." is also representative of the great videogame crash of 83' which led to the United States losing grip of the home game console market which allowed for Japanese developers to establish a strong foothold and dramatically change the shape of the market for decades to come.

My boyfriend and I finished watching the new episode of Clarence. It is currently tied with Steven Universe for my favorite show right now.

AV Club seems to have stumbled on a clever way to double the content of Newswire!