Guest director/animator on rick and morty?
Guest director/animator on rick and morty?
Oh god that was a really fucking dark episode. Just watching scars appear on Dibs head, drool appear at the corner of his mouth seeing his teeth disappear sent me into nightmares.
Any episode where Zim attempts to appear normal = absolute hilarity
Got Volgarr the Viking and Super House of Dead Ninjas as part of a humble bundle.
Not trying to sound like any kind of an elitist but I cannot seem to get into HOTS. I guess I just really dislike the team-leveling and lack of item purchases. When playing a tank and getting kills left and right I generally expect (due to Dota 2 rules) to be able to start hitting like a truck mid-late game. Because…
Be prepared for disappointment if you're going to play Dark Souls 2 I vowed never to preorder again after that game. It's nowhere near as strong in atmosphere, lore, or aesthetics. Plus there's still plenty of garbage desyncs and weird frame error deaths, and if you play on PC your weapons degrade twice as fast at…
Despite the bullshit deaths I really have fond memories of Sen's Fortress. Never beat the entire souls game as I lost interest after O&S but Sen's was definitely the first time you really have to 'get good'
Bastion's biggest pull was the soundtrack and narrator, the latter was added into Dota 2 and became the most popular announcer for the game fairly quickly.
agreed. Diablo 2 did this well though, because nearly everything was viable/useful for your character. Drops actually changed based on who you played as, and there were far more legendary drops than 3.
Hey, its 'the-guy-who-said-he-had-an-interview' last week! You got it! Congratulations!
Been playing Dota 2 Reborn just about every day. The Source 2 version looks amazing and runs with ease, and makes me really excited for Left 4 Dead 3 and whatever else will be running on that engine.
I have the same Goddamn feeling.
It sounds like a grind to me. This is coming from someone who's been pretty jaded over the past decade of overhyping marketing bullshit. I mean, sega and nintendo got ridiculous during their rivalry but there were never so many outright lies as there are today.
Wow, so the sucksplosion was due to a mediocre/knee-deep epiphany about loving one's family?
Hating Liar Liar?
I think everyone is just fucking tired of Jim Carrey in general. His shtick got old a decade ago.
Why didn't Mystery Men do well? I never understood that. Hell, it had the 'All Star' theme song and 'Unlikely Superhero' cliches before they even became cliches
And in a dream sequence y-you could be Pizza Face! Ya-know, the kid who had pizza for a face?
He finally realized that he has nothing else going for him