beardsbynelly - Rikerbeard

range wouldn’t be the issue, chases are rarely a test of mpg.
The main problem they’d have to overcome would be the Tesla’s heat management.

that sounds sensible, but with the current legislation, if Youtube investigate the claims before taking it down they are at risk of losing their safe harbor status.

Great advice.

me, I just picked up the tree, decorations intact and stuffed it back into its box.

It wouldn’t even need the lotus deal, they released a TRD supercharged version of that engine in the Australian Aurion.

difficult to plug your car in if you park on the street, or in a parking garage without charging access. Which is my experience withall my friends and fam in the UK.

you don’t have to click on the links, just read the first paragraph which explains it’s ‘according to a new vogue article

yeah nah, nah yeah

the quarters and door windows at least for the MR2's were the same. I can’t find a brown quarter for my JDM black MR2 but I have no troubles finding blue for my AUDM 6M1 green Bathurst.

Rebel can’t be racist cause the only black woman in Australia is Iggy Azalea

why would they? “The Satanic Temple” has nothing to do with Anton LaVey. You are thinking of the “Church of Satan”

It’s also a whisky and not a whiskey if we want to get extra pedantic.

So that still makes it exponentially more profitable than Gawker

Now playing

Also, hello from the rest of the world that uses Kilowatts to measure the power of a car instead of Horsey Power.

I wasn’t sure why there was a huge swing from everyone thinking it was awful, to everyone calling someone a hero.

That speaks more about the litigious nature of America than the lack of decent healthcare system.

oh yeah, I’d rather my dehydrated and abandoned kids starve to death in an underfunded and understaffed Argentinian hospital instead of getting someone elses milk.

I bet you don’t forget your kids when you climb down off that high horse either.

maybe its cause the source character wears clothes in the comics and having a naked character is less marketable for merch reasons.


There’s one at the end of the video. 

the ambiguity is covered by ‘in the judgement of NASCAR’, and to me the spirit of the rule is no part of the car should cross the double yellows. Clear as mud.