beardsbynelly - Rikerbeard

All Kei cars are regulated to that power, export models end up with a larger motor and more power, generally a 1L with closer to 100hp.

As someone who identifies as a conscious reference and commentary to my own existence, I find the term "Meta" derogatory and offensive . The word is panmetacommentarialisticism.

I've been told that the difference is closer to $25k to $30k now days. I was going off older data. It's still a fantastic deal though, if only there was decent electric car in the market between the Leaf and the Model S.
Something that competes against the GTI in size and packaging, rather than a BMW 5 series.

That might be the case, I was going off an 8 month old news story.. perhaps it was for the previous generation GTI?

It stated $84k for a base GTI, and ~$100k for a base Tesla Model S.

You can still see how quickly you can close the gap between now and 2017 when the current tax model is up for renewal.. and I don't see

woops, my reply didn't show, that's your opinion man and you're entitled to it. I've sat in both cars and I found the Model S to be a much nicer place to be. Couldn't drive the Tesla because it was at a car show.

Oslo also only has ~640k people in it and isn't particularly dense, so having a small car in the city isn't

Not in the traditional sense of the term it isn't. The sale of Teslas is an organic response to market forces.

A true(er) Artificial Market would be closer to the Government telling all Taxi companies that they have to buy exactly N amount of Teslas S at $X and will have to abide by a set fare structure to pay it off.

apparently the Model S works out to be around $15k USD more than a Golf GTI in Norway, because their petrol powered cars incur a massive tax.

Electric cars get free parking, free tolls, and can also use bus lanes. Reuters figured out an electric car owner saves $8200 per car per year in tolls and on road costs. So

but by then I'll want it to be Mclaren/Honda/Marlboro day glo orange and white.

wake me up when it's Papaya Orange

I'd say it's set up. I've seen many setups in my time and I can tell from the lack of fluid from the crushed vehicle. Also why would they have a Camera there unless it was intentional?

the driver stated she was turning left in about a half mile. It's perfectly reasonable for her to be in the left lane for that period of time.

I would have preferred she focused on the road rather than film it though, she could have easily been the one to plow through a red light or something herself.

I agree, I thought it was him until you mentioned it might not have been.

The youtube page says it is Chris from Four Car Garage Motorsports.

It looks natural. Terrestial, you could say.

Pretty sure he's talking about the entire vehicle attached to those sunshades. No need to go off half cocked.

hahahaha. I love the use of Carl Orff's "Tanz" from Carmina Burana. For anyone who was wondering what song it was.

Interesting read, thanks.

That snark about drunk driving would be accurate if you weren't using drunk as an adjective.

The 30 seconds remark was about the RBT's here. I'm sure you've experienced sobriety tests that take much longer. They used to take longer here too but the cops got good at it and they no longer fuck about checking for

so.. people are actively warning potential drink drivers? wow. I suppose that's not unheard of with speed traps though.

Interesting, I understand it being bullshit if they're under the pretense of stopping DUI's but are actually looking for other things (especially illegal immigrants).. my point is it's really alien that they have to make excuses at all.

Especially so if they're using something else as an excuse to catch DUI's.
