
The right lane is for doing the speed limit, that is why it is posted. Certain vehicles must go slower than others, like Semi-trucks or folks that aren’t comfortable driving on the highway/interstate. There is a minimum speed limit, which if you go slower than you are obstructing traffic and can be ticketed. This is

As much as I would love for this net neutrality issue to be resolved in a way that doesn’t screw over the general populous, in all honesty, it is just too late. I’ve been campaigning for net neutrality in all the circles I’m in for the better part of 15 years. The problem is, once this issue is in the mainstream media

Not really a hat person, but I am balding. I always joke it off, pretty much in the way of “I just need to find a gal that is a bit shorter than me, so she can never see the top of my head. I also need to be a gentleman all the time with chairs and such, that way she can never be at a height advantage.”

All the info they have is public info, what permission do they need from you?

On a personal level I believe that many Americans have been lying to themselves about the social issues that have existed in our country. Many couldn’t believe that there existed so many racist or bigoted people where they live, work, worship, etc... I for one, believe many either chose to ignore those happenings or

Curious to know if this could be solved with yogurt, instead of oil. Just went on a baking spree last week, need time to recuperate before trying this out...

Maybe this is limited to the auto insurance company that I use, but they send 2 copies of the insurance info. Specifically to keep one in your vehicle and one for your at home records.

This only screws you over, not the companies. You have to pay to have your credit frozen, then you will no longer be able to participate in any transactions that require a credit check. Most of these companies also have other streams of income, slowing down one will harm them.

I’ve been to a few different drive-in theaters. The best one I have been to had the parking on different elevations the farther you were from the screen, similar to actual movie theater seating. This made it a lot easier to watch and enjoy the movie, since you didn’t need to worry too much about the car in front of

Some people panic. Not all areas will have the ability to quarantine the animal, so the next easiest solution is to put it down, then send it out for testing.

Fortunately in the US, you would be more likely to win the lottery than be killed by rabies.

Everything Apple has released in the last 20 or so years?

But at the same time many companies are setup in a way that you will automatically earn more if you have a relevant 4 year degree or a masters. Some places it could be as much as 10k difference in starting pay and that doesn’t include negotiating yourself an even higher starting point.

I’ve never been asked for my GPA, does anyone look at that? Maybe for those who have absolutely no prior work history?

I learned the opposite. No one is ever on time, they have their own schedule. That schedule may include back to back meetings for the entire day, which due to the content they may be able to leave a few minutes before the end but that isn’t realistic in most cases.

Yet there are still plenty of studies that would say alcohol in moderation is healthier than drinking diet soda, and has actual health benefits.

Just to clarify the actual law text can be found Here:

That is going to be a big payout to the locals. Found the law that was passed for this to occur:

I’d be curious to know what drugs he was doing in the bathroom. One doesn’t just shrug off a wine bottle to the head when you’re hit hard enough for it to shatter.

Maybe with all of the healthcare scares that are going on, people will finally start thinking about putting into place preventative healthcare measures that actually work.