Polar Bear

Lego Island was definitely one of my favorite games when it was shiny and new. I was thinking of it fondly just a couple days ago when I was browsing Lego sets to pick one for my Lego-obsessed nephew for his birthday. I think he’d enjoy it, if I can ever find my disc. In fact, he’s roughly the same age I was when I

Thanks for the response!

Are there many people who pay that are interested in becoming a better player more than the rest of the deal?
I think I’m a terrible player at most of the characters, I’d probably consider paying someone to tag along with me for a bit, play together, and also tell me what I’m doing bad, because I know any friends I

She was the subject of some chatter in a few chats I’m in. (We love the caps of poor animation, it’s been good fun for my pals and I, honestly, and brought back some memories of bad animation from past ME games — my personal favorite being a ME1 moment I had where Shepard’s arms started flailing behind him completely

I am exceptionally disappointed over no Roadhog.

Man, my sister got tagged by a red light camera for running the light when she was turning right on red, at an intersection where it was permitted, etc.

Well-worded. I don’t often find myself actually pleased to look in the comment section on articles that are politically charged or otherwise potentially bring out the less open-minded people, but this is a solid, well-rounded addition. Good.

How do you figure Rick and Morty is next? I scoured ‘em, but I don’t see the easter egg. Probably doesn’t help that I’m not familiar with any of these shows.

Goddamn right.

FemShep has a bit of a cult following, you could call it.

I do a decent amount of coding for the open-source game Space Station 13. It’s a mess. Years of hundreds of developers of varying experience levels working on different things in an awkward, sort of Python-esque code. There’s plenty of things nobody really knows how they work anymore in there. There’s lots of things

T-rex and sliced bread for token 2k17

In waves. Not that long ago, there was a decently high profile wave of bans in which a number of ‘pro’ TF2 players were banned for using a hack among most others using it. I occasionally come across players with VAC bans on their profiles. The majority of cheaters I encounter are using burner accounts with little of

Yeah, it’s black, which is disappointing! But it’s got a kinda retro look to it? Instead of excess hard edges or super rounded things.

I fail to see how anything is ‘butthurt’ about my comment, except maybe you, because you’re the one flinging that around.

I don’t have anything to say other than the Linx Vision’s aesthetic is pretty solidly ‘meh’. Visually, it doesn’t stand out. It’s another black, bland looking electronic.

Did you catch that the modder’s getting a tidy ~1k a month on Patreon for this, from a couple hundred people? It’s generally the minority of users of a mod that have or care to donate, too.

I’m painfully jealous. Style Savvy is the only game on my 3DS I consistently go back to.

I dunno. The guy getting pissed and filming her isn’t watching either.

This post made me recall that last year I celebrated the fourth at home, in front of the PC, with a half dozen long-distance friends, in Minecraft. We made a bunch of fireworks in-game and wired them up in various ways to launch them automatically and watched from the top of one of the dinosaur enclosures. We were