I've never been a big Sonic fan (or hated Sonic, don't get me wrong there) but... I could totally watch this.
I've never been a big Sonic fan (or hated Sonic, don't get me wrong there) but... I could totally watch this.
http://www.riftaway.com/ The first one here.
Hey, I just got those sweet shaman reoclor shoulders to drop for my hunter's transmog after two weeks!
Yeah... I bought the game legit on Origin. Ran it twice, played a bit, second time I was in offline mode while playing and I got the censor bar thing. Initially, I thought it was kind of funny because I wasn't paying attention and suddenly realized my Sim was eating grilled cheese and was censored.
One of the more bizarre mods I remember for Sims 3 allowed you to make cooked babies and eat them.
And there's an incest mod, too.
Referring to Samurott being quadrupedal? It's intended to work as both, like Beartic (which looks better on all fours) but they don't seem to use it as bipedal often. It's actually more versatile.
I don't see a problem with this idea.
A level 50-something dungeon? Ok.
that's assuming they even know what they are
Difficulty in reading the environment... What, like their trees in by default? You know, the non-solid ones you can walk through and the ones that look exactly like those ones but if you try to go through them you're gonna smash your face on them because they're solid?
The rest is questionable, but the '2' would look better in red on the original one probably imo.
How does this make sense? Let's not release games that would probably increase console sales because the console we want it on isn't doing as well in sales as we want.
I think he looks like he should be a mob boss, and I mean this in the best possible way.
Yyyup. I haven't owned a console (not counting wii, I never played much) since PS2, no fucks given beyond PC. I was getting kiiiinda interested in PS4 but I'm pretty sure I just got finally sold on PS4 for good. My change is goin' in the piggy bank now.
Damn. Anyone save it?
I created my boyfriend as a lady mii and the mii actually liked the 'male' clothes I gave and turned off babies. I keep forgetting his mii is female until someone says 'she'. I can't get our miis to actually meet each other and our compatibility rating is like, 40%, but, whatever. Eventually we will get gay mii…
I rarely watch anime and I enjoy it a ton. The only anime I've been interested in before is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Trinity Blood (which is pretty good actually, it's kinda bloody, about .. vampire things) and I guess watched Sailor Moon and Pokemon (if that even counts) as a kid. It doesn't have the…
The Oxford comma prevents unfortunate confusion such as that
Is this really legit? I thought that it like wasn't legal to use names of the accused if they're underage? I have no idea how the laws around that are or anything and I could be entirely ass backwards wrong though.