I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was kind of cool and an interesting way to reframe caring for the environment.
I know Leo gets a lot of shit for flying around in his private jet while also saying he wants to save the environment, but honestly I can’t hate on him for that. I’m very environmentally conscious but if I had enough money I’d definitely have a private jet. He’s personally donated or helped to raise millions of…
Yeah, not really getting the what on that “vegans fuck up the environment more than meat-eaters” line of thinking, there.
I don’t get the issue here. Are we supposed to ignore the mass consumption of an endangered species because they happen to consume it in a certain part of the world?
YES. Your baby will die because you ate a bowl of cereal. Did you really think there was a right way to be pregnant?! And that you were doing it? This is the internet. An obnoxious person (me) is always ready to tell you how to be pregnant in new and ever more obnoxious ways!
I know you are coming from a good place, and your intentions are so good they’re shiny, but unless you’re a married, straight, white, Christian/Christian-adjacent couple in the US, adoption is much, much, much harder than it looks. Especially here in the middle states where Jesus is quarterbacking the HS football…
Thank you for this! I’m 28 and in four years I had a miscarriage, went through Clomid and tried all the natural methods. This month we are doing IVF for the first time. Yesterday I spent 3k in drugs I need to inject in my own stomach. I got screwed up by genetics. I’m 28 and I’m already into menopause.
30 years old and Mr. llamadrama and I have been trying for almost four years. Tubes are clear, periods are regular. Did a three month cycle of clomid which messed with my hormones so badly, I wound up with a pretty nasty bout of depression.
Yeah, the last time I posted on FB anything remotely questioning the bliss that apparently comes with shooting a screaming blood monster out of your ladyhole, I was taken to task.