

Canada is to America what...macaroni is to _____ (hint...p_ s t a).

If they are tailgating, on their cell phones, flipping off other drivers, not using their turn signals, failing to yield to pedestrians...yes, these are the tell-tale signs ;-)

There’s a library that straddles the border. Suddenly the library has seen a massive uptick in visitors to the History and Home Improvement sections.

So Vermont - basically you want to have Vermont leave the Union and join Canada. Am I about right? /s

So...we are all Americans. That’s by default because you have North, Central and South America...

Nope - toxic. In fact Vinegar is so toxic, you have to be careful putting it on your skin and in water ways (which is why you can’t just spray it anywhere).

I forgot the dish soap. Thanks for that reminder. I found a great place for Vinegar online. Factory Direct Chemicals. We bought a gallon and it was 30%. It cost 25 dollars though. Took about 24 hours for the weeds to go. The crab grass though...that hung tough. So dish soap next time.

I love Dan Brown books/movies on days like this

It’s a tax shelter.  Let’s call it what it really is...a fricken tax shelter of....wait for it comes.....BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS.

Wow you are giving all the other commenters........aaron for their money.


I find it best (and I’m teaching this to my daughter), just stop and stand there. People typically won’t walk into someone standing there. Just stand, lean forward a tiny bit, and look forward. People do not walk into stationary objects ordinarily. And you’ll never be blamed for hitting them as...wait for it...they

One of these days the val will have hacked the mic and it will be a moot issue when the switch is cut.

Isn’t this why they do the lead line on anything lifted by a crane as well? There was a video of a rescuer on one of these and the person was holding onto the litter for dear life as the rescue worker and the litter started spinning.

Drake antics = AAAAAAAAAADVERTISING REVENUE. Eyeballs to the game. That’s it. Fans of Drake who don’t watch basketball will watch. He gets free tickets, the advertisers get more’s a win win for everyone.

Hillary is the democratic version of Trump. It’s time that democrats come to terms with this.

This is not true - I new someone who had their tree up for 3 years in a row. I have a photo of it with fireworks going off in the background...for the 4th.

What shocks me is that most of the people coming into this country illegally already believe in Jesus (both the mythical guy and the gardener). You’d think the born agains would be happy to have more followers. Plus they speak Spanish so the born agains could double bible sales.