
I’m going to make a social network that combines the “best/old ui/ux of facebook, instagram, yahoo and snapchat. I’m going to call it “retro”.

It’s similar to all the people who “misplaced” their old hard drives...containing their bitcoin information.

That works until you are in the minority. Such as...educational initiatives for minorities, healthcare coverage for pre-existing conditions, telecom for remote communities, support for military families, religious freedoms, gun ownership, beach erosion, epa regulations.....

I was going to say ...valerie plame...but she was CIA.

People have thought he was gay for decades. He’s straight and he’s probably sick and tired of people asking him if he’s gay.

Step 1 - buy plane ticket.

Did the bar get in trouble btw for the underage drinking?

How many people have been shot over sneakers?  Just curious...

This is knot what I expected. In fact, it’s quite a yarn of a scientifically back, evidenced story-line.

It literally never ends with this show.

Here’s my take. If you smoke, you should not be eligible for health insurance coverage for anything that you can get from smoking. Beyond that - toke up!

Breaking News - Jesus Christ has returned to Earth. Let’s get a handle on the reviews.

Folks with mental illnesses should be encouraged to wear medical alert bracelets of some sort.

Years ago my profile photo had me sitting down with my arms somehow folded and it gave the impression that I didn’t have hands.

2019: Charter internet fees to increase 10 dollars a month in March...

We need the kids home by 2pm so that it gives the day shift cops someone to arrest for crime.

It’s a sad day when we all think the cops planted the gun and we are 99% sure we are right because there’s a 99% chance the cops actually planted the gun.

So it was cheaper to fly than to buy miles online? I never thought of doing that. Am I missing out here?

It literally can go fu&# itself

This makes me nervous.  Wait for it...