if it has to be above the ear then...
if it has to be above the ear then...
Especially when it comes to the production and storage of energy. You are correct. Batteries and solar.
It’s brilliant -thanks for finding/posting this video.
given that main the alternative explanation
Yeah they got rid of those sirens for the new American ones.
I’ve said this once before but...
Substance abuse sucks. I like him a lot as an actor too...
Have you tried Smuckers natural? It’s amaaaazing.
That has a shitload of “non peanut oil” in it.
ahem...i will umm...take a spoonful of this happiness and dip it into sugar for a snack;-)
Truth be told I think that anytime I’m communicating with anyone who doesn’t use the word “like” 40 times in a sentence.
Your humor is rather flat there my friend...
French vs non French sparkling wine...
Option 1: be concerned that Walmart is tracking employees and therefore invading their privacy/civil rights.
He’s not a US Citizen so his options are limited.
That doesn’t explain much of what happened in Massachusetts unless you consider parishes outside the 128 beltway “remote”
There are 932 municipalities in the state of new york. And I believe most have their own police force. It’s just fiefdoms wanting control.
I’m sure he’ll be investing in these companies in a few days.
It’s the same suit and tie too.
Same thing could be said about the stock market or the real estate market. Age old issue with a fluid market...