
Football huh - when you are home, do you stand during the...oh...never mind.

Call it Dan?

Women don’t sext?

Just needed to smash the window apparently...

Ready to have your heart broken? Read this on NYT...

The ummm....handicapped people? Cause...that’s why we have abortion laws so that...well....I feel so morally dirty now.

Republicans will be pissed because they want all the dishwashers out of the country. (yup...went there...not upset about it either)

NYC hated him on the 10th...the only reason why they loved him on the 12th was guilt.

Honestly I think the people of PNG will be happy for a month. I gave up FB and haven’t regretted it at all.

I had a client like that once. “My son graduated from Harvard and said that it’s just HTML”. I replied “Yes...yes it is. Do you want me to give him the username and password and he can do it?”

Garden State Parkway has a posted speed limit of I think 65 and an actual speed limit of 85...

Doubt it - white kids in schools are now being killed at a rate of black kids in the inner cities and we still don’t care cause “Guhhhhn raaaaaaghts”

You’ll never see this happen at stone harbor or avalon either.

Size and scale. The lava is around 1600 degrees f and water boils at 212. You’d need a massive lake and even then it probably wouldn’t do the trick.

Chronic Disease - what kind of foul play could take place in that type of industry? Thoughts?

I’d make him do a follow-up video on youtube where he advertises how amazing the school is just like they do on real estate videos.

Just think of the sales increases of new routers as well as how many people will not have internet and realize they don’t need internet. Kids will go outside and play, trolling will decrease, couples will resort to having sex with each other or their neighbors.

What do you think will happen? Do you think they will force a breakup?