
Probably would have screwed up a land line like he did his written lines in Lone Ranger.

After the stunt she pulled on her kid’s biological father - she can piss off though.

Loved Black Sails and still can’t accept the fact that Flint was shipped away.

Kinda like the theaters

I heard an estimate that he’s worth 300 billion dollars. Why isn’t he dead yet?

Right? The windows keep going up and down and the seat heaters are on and off...not to mention the damn issue with the champagne bottle...unless of course...well...ewww.

not for another 3 years

This is so very true. When traveling, we always stop off at a nicer hotel for a road trip pit stop.

Wegmans has a little spray thing that you can use on toilet paper to sanitize the toilet seat. It’s the same stuff as the alcohol gel. Works wonders!

John Philip Sousa’s rolling in his grave (to quite a marchy beat I might add)

anime is for people who eat Mac and cheese with chopsticks, wear those individual toe sneakers, think sumo wrestling is better than football and think bitcoin is safer than the US currency.

Well - 3 trillion in annual revenue out of 18 trillion. Sounds like 2 states are responsible for almost 17 percent of the economy of the ENTIRE US.

She’s not that silent ;-)

Oh absolutely douche bag behavior to interrupt and I loathe Damon because of this very video. I always thought he was a great guy then I saw this.

White guy here with daughters. Had a conversation with the awesome gay guy who cuts my hair about 2 days after an election. He put it best.

I’ve owned companies and the idea that it’s a democracy ends quickly when:

Now playing

This helps me when I’m on a hate matt damon spree

There’s no H in that Rino and the reason is obvious...