
My favorite is the Deutsche Bank. That’s going to be a major play but that’s a German bank and then there’s Merkle.

This is an excellent point. And people over look the sins of those they support on both sides. Ahem...BILL CLINTON FANS...ahem..sorry had something in my throat.

Do you save money and do you use it often? I buy hamburger meat at 6.50 a lb and it’s 93% fat free. What else do you make with it?

Do you save money and do you use it often? I buy hamburger meat at 6.50 a lb and it’s 93% fat free. What else do you

Wait, how do you follow-up to Olivia Munn.

I thought she was great before she turned into a whackjob. She can always excuse her earlier years and Hollywood will take her back because she’s a ginger and HW likes them. Okay I like them.

Worse - they make us read one more article about the topic which desensitizes us to the point where we don’t care as much anymore.


Wait a minute - sexual advances towards a subordinate is now a problem? Basically everyone in the 40's to maybe the 80's who is married was because of a boss/subordinate relationship.

Not to make this more complicated than it should be for a first responder but my ex was a batterer and she loved a good fight. I was pushed, kicked, hit, kneed (note all while she was pregnant). I had to evict her after I feared for my life but yup, I was the bad guy. She’s doing it now to her new husband.

please have a mustache....

HUGE difference.

At 21 no. At 15, 14, 13 and on Twitter - yeah that’s usually a red flag for sexual abuse. It’s also a red flag for a series of other issues too.

Now for the twist of all this bullshit - in Ohio - you can’t terminate a pregnancy if you know there is a possibility for down syndrome. How many children with Down Syndrome will be on Medicaid.

The bombing in NYC was in 93. How quickly we all forget.

Sexual harassment of white house staffers...and it happened when congress was Republican. Just wait for 2018...but don’t start biting your fingernails until late October.

He could then fake an apology, tell them Bill slept with porn stars, said he found proof Obama was Kenyan and become the head of the Evangelical Church of Fucktopia.

There’s a charity for Times Up? What happens to the money? Does it go to lawyers fees for women who are fighting movie execs? Just curious where the funds go and for what purpose.

Happy hyperbole day. I posted the video because it’s a bit fascinating how many songs share the same four chords. To the lay person, we think huh - that’s song theft. To those in the musician space, not so much.

where does it say she was handcuffed?