
Mood boards. A creative director’s idea to increase billable hours in advertising because most good ideas just “pop” into their heads over drinks or pot.

The “snitch” was left in the trunk. When he heard the coast was clear, he pulled the lever and took off. Look for a barefoot guy with a scared look in his eyes and duct tape on his mouth.

Why does the speedlimit say 55 when the cops won’t pull me over for going 65. It’s a similar argument and the one thing everyone forgets to include is “humans suck and never follow instructions”.

You either don’t know teen girls or...yeah. offense but I’m a guy and I have zero problems getting images without “asking” for them. Women are sending them freely. Then they are asking for mine in return.

Put him in the car and drive him to the house of every girl he’s asked. Then have him apologize to the parents for his behavior. If he doesn’t, walk him into the police station and say he has to tell the police officer that he wants to become a registered sex offender.

I’ve been having “the talk” with my daughter for the past 3 years. She’s turning 9 in a few weeks.

People love good. People want to slap the fucking shit out of nice.

If your tongue can reach that far in...might I suggest you putting this on your dating profile?

The dude fuck what?

Just make sure they get a pedicure first and ummm...recent one at that. Also bunions are not sexy.

Or...during?’s funny you mentioned this. Like 20 years ago I was on a date with a woman who decided to sleep over and then took out a “folded” thing of saran wrap from her purse and asked me to use it on her during oral sex.

What’s the comparable price off the shelf? Have you been able to figure this out? Just curious what you are saving money wise on this.


Yes thanks well aware of the law.

That’s a great movie by the way...just saw it today.

The less invasive ones just want your linked in contacts. That’s what happened to me recently. I was a “perfect fit” for a new position and then I got the linked in connection. Three days later they changed their mind but wanted to know if I knew of anyone.

That’s because they are closer to North Korea than we are.

The N is silent.