
Great point. Did you read fast boys by the way? Great book!

I’m a guy who lives on the east coast with zero ties to Hollywood and I knew he was a slime ball because it was common knowledge. Don’t protect her. She liked the money.

sales tax on all purchases on the stock market...cha....ching.

Technically it’s not a very powerful position anyway.

But they need a job and have to put food on the table. amirite?

But only the jews and muslims will know about it...oh I get it.

Well fortunately with the new tax bill, they’ll use the savings to invest in new infrastructure and employees...or you know...a bigger garage for their demon.

Have you ever met someone from CPS? They have barely an associates degree, typically hate men, see some of the worst shit you could ever imagine...and get paid peanuts.

...and wouldn’t have done a fucking thing.

My child had 100 doctors visits spanning 17 different medical practitioners in just over two years. When I complained that my kid’s mother was doing this to get attention, I was told it was not an issue.

Which just means we need Congress to get its shit straight. Honestly I agree with the removal of presidential decrees but they are there because Congress sucks. I’m sure you agree as do most people. Executive Orders are technically overreaching.

Oh come on - it was a 14 year old white girl. She was white. Roy wasn’t shacking up with a black girl. THAT would be illegal (except in Virginia then it’s Jeffersonian).

I switched to GMA and then couldn’t put up with all the fucking clapping in the morning. Stop clapping...I’m eating breakfast and ironing.

It’s filtered light though...

So is a bloody chin and neck...looks like you ate a hockey puck.

Womb for rent?

A girlfriend of mine and I had sex during her period and she was having some sort of weird issue after her new IUD. It looked like a murder scene as someone else said. My thigh was covered, the sheets were ruined and I really thought she was going to have to go to the hospital. was great. I’ve never seen that

Perhaps the Ghost helped bring light to Kevin Spacey’s career implosion.

45 years where she called black people super predators and said gay people shouldn’t get married.