Christian need to go a little deeper.
Christian need to go a little deeper.
I’d love to see what would happen if half a dozen or so extremely wealthy African American women purchased a few NFL teams.
At camping site:
They have 60 nukes and multiple medium ranged missiles.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs wanted US Forces to dress up as Cuban soldiers and stage a mock invasion to convince America to get into the war. Good times...good times.
Oh SNL is classic. “Only in mexican newspapers”.
We still have subs all over the world ready to go at a moments notice and drill frequently. The technology advanced so that we don’t need to have them on bombers anymore. It also proved to be too costly for little gain.
They still are pointed at each other. This is worse.
No - this is worse. Cuban Missile crisis was the most serious incident but during the 70's and 80s, it wasn’t that serious. We “thought” it could happen but we never thought about it that much.
And later we found out that they had frogs...
Apparently they are all in NK now. Remember this guy actually used WMD. He had a guy assassinated with VX.
And Reagan for invading Grenada...don’t forget about that one.
Are there many starch supporters out there for Trump?
fortunately it has auto-drive
If you don’t watch yer speed, you can’t have any traction. How can you have any traction if you don’t watch yer speed
Imagine how great our military would be if every soldier had a college degree and the ability to critically think through all the problems ahead of them.
And look at what the cylons did to the 12 battleships during their occupation amirite?