
why we hating america. you sound like euro snobs. what the hell is the matter with this place.

it would have bombed.

@patman: if you work up a sweat you dont even need the a/c on. especially on older pickups with the vent glass. my god i loved air out my sack with that.

hummer died when the plastic ones came out.

i want me some school girl samurai!!! sheeeee's goooooooooood! (bug eyed and rubbing my crotch)

get away from me, you eight legged FREEEEEEEEK!!!

i learned to drive on a stick shift nissan pick up, and then i had fun driving my uncles mustang GT and then i got to drive my dads rig ford superduty, back when it was just super duty, not 450.

@dancekat1: you're a ps3 owner and you have no games to play...hahaaaaaaaaa!! CMON!!

i can see the script,. and then our hero jumps to a ledge, then he runs to another ledge. and then swings to a pole and then he scales a wall...and well you get the idea.

you could do a blues game. jimi, stevie, eric, and off course b.b. king, among others. john belushi.

when are los tigres del norte gonna get there game? bronco, ramon ayala, or los jinetes. there is still alot out there!

bought this game for my neice, and so i can play it. its a very fun game. its as fun as you want to make it.

hurm...lets see what they do. lets see if they can come up with interesting challenges, locations, and hosts. and cars for that matter. will they concentrate on american cars. we'll see where this goes.

does the lead character get to do a 100 man battle at the end of the game.

mahindra...hurm? do they sell rice aswell?

it also sticks your accelerator to full throttle, cut your brakes off, sets your mats on fire, and your power steering goes out! Oh! What Fun!!

i think demos do affect the chocie like one said, i download games that i am interested in but never would by it without trying. like bayonetta. played the demo, thought it was cool and fun. but when done, i only imagined really expanding from there so i didnt by the game.

the hospitals would use a PS3 but it would take up to 30 minutes to load up the data!! HI-YOOOOOO!! C.MON! anyone...

@furiku: well, its the people that let them do it. what if everyone just organized together, and not buy scalped tickets or new products on craigslist. then they wouldnt make any money, and stop doing it.