
Mercury poisoning really could explain a lot about Ms. Carey.

Asleep? Or just thinking that if they stay very quiet the crazy lady will go away and leave them alone?

There are a TON of people like this that have to continually push their progressive and oh so diverse street cred. It’s like an Internet comments section: “As the mother of a queer, gender nonconforming, autistic kid with disabilities...”, “as someone who is 1/8 Native American and half Tibetan...”, “As someone who is

continually rolling out her bonafides when she does something like this is getting tiresome as well - it devalues the currency of the facts seems less like earnest empathy and more like i have a black friend!

lena dunham: I’m the victim here! Me! Me!

When Kanye’s “Famous” video came out, I didn’t understand why that wasn’t enough of a red flag for one of the Kardashians to be like, “Are you OK, man?”

Ugh, Lena Dunham:

Right?? For a feminist site, the writers sure do like to take catty swipes at women.

I really feel bad for Kim and their kids.

I think this is super exploitative of Dr. Phil, but it’s exactly the kind of thing I expect from him. 

Costume looks cool. Maybe it’s time to remember that Halloween is about having fun for the night, not getting pedantic about the proper interpretation of a comic book character.

Indeed. I’ve got people jumping all over me and telling me to fuck off or assuming I’ve said something transphobic when all I called for was a little patience. If we throw everyone under the bus, how can we expect anyone to a) ever be good enough, or b) ever even begin to learn anything? I cant think of anyone who

I really don’t understand the science behind CoolSculpting at all. What happens to the cells once frozen? Where do they go?

Who does that man hand belong to, Khloe?

More marketing dressed as feminism. Obnoxious.

I understand that. But, as a feminist figure, coming up saying that to a major audience while being paid by the makeup industry, while we rarely hear something else anyway, is problematic.

I’m kind of disappointed. She might want her message across, but in the end, it’s still a makeup ad...

I recently empowered my female dog to not barf her expensive prescription food all over the kitchen floor. She embraced the empowerment and barfed outside.

The truth hurts.

I loved "In Search of..." when I was a kid. I couldn't separate Nemoy from Spock, and his calm (logical) voice made it all more believable.